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What We Have Been Up To
Student Events

Winter Waltz Concert

On January 11, Notelove hosted a delightful Winter Waltz concert at the NorCal Music Center. Students performed many beautiful classical and vibrant pieces, we are all very proud of their progress! After the concert, students and instructors gathered to celebrate their achievements with food and socializing. It was a heartwarming and exciting way to kick off 2025!

Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of Downtown San Jose, Notelove students gathered at Chrsitmas in the Park to share christmas music with the event goers. With Christmas classics like "Let it Snow", "Sleigh Ride", and "I'll Be Home for Christmas", Notelove's holiday spirit touched the hearts of everyone watching.

Christmas in the Park Performance

Instrument Petting Zoo

Notelove hosted another Instrument Petting Zoo on December 6th, inviting passionate students to try out a variety of instruments, including violins, trumpets, flutes, guitars, percussion, and more! This inspiring event has brought students unique experiences, helping them discover new musical interests and talents. Notelove continues to provide creative and educational opportunities that encourage students to engage with the world of music.

Notelove Cross Chapters Virtual Event 2024

On October 19th, Notelove hosted a virtual concert that brought together many passionate students and instructors to show their progress on their musical journey. We are very proud of all the improvements and commitments displayed in the performances. Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the beautiful music played by these individuals!

Notelove Fall Fest

On September 14th, amidst joyful laughter and bobbing rubber ducks, Notelove attended the annual Fall Fest in Cupertino, CA. Wanting to attract more students and instructors, officers held a game of catching the rubber ducks, offering prizes ranging from teddy bears to Notelove shirts in accordance. The day ended with much fanfare, many young children loving what they had fished up!

Instrument Petting Zoo

July 2024, Notelove hosted their library event: Instrument Petting Zoo. Children of all ages, along with their parents, had the opportunity to try out a variety of instruments, from woodwinds to brass to and percussion. This one-hour event allowed every volunteer to share their passion for music and their instruments with the Bay Area public.

2024 Summer

Sonata Concert

Notelove hosted the Summer Sonata Concert in June to commemorate the beginning of a new summer. Students, instructors, and directors shared their love of music through various performances. As the Notelove family, we celebrated our young musicians and their musical passions, while also bidding farewell to our graduating seniors as they embark on new and exciting journeys.

2024 Winter

Snowlove Concert

​In January, Notelove hosted the Snowlove Winter Concert where students, instructors, and directors had the opportunity to perform for the community! This was the first ever in-person Notelove concert following a number of online concerts and smaller performance events. Watching the Notelove family come together and celebrate young musicians as they achieved a milestone in their musical journeys was a heartwarming experience. 

On January 18, 2024, Notelove instructors, students, and Tri-M and Forte members joined in on Zoom to listen to former Notelove officer, Riko Hirata–who majors in music therapy at the University of the Pacific–host her informational panel that covered the topic of music therapy. She went over what music therapy is, the requirements to pursue a career as a music therapist, as well where music therapists work. 

“In terms of music therapy classes in college, I had a lot of fun in the first semester. The panel I presented today is basically an overview of what I did throughout music therapy class,” Riko explains. “[Music therapy] is a very nice class, and the professors are very caring. This semester, I’ll be visiting some senior homes to implement my music therapy knowledge–I’m quite excited!”

Music Theory Panel with Riko

Music Theory Classes

This past fall, Notelove hosted a 6-week music theory class taught by 7 of Notelove’s passionate music educators! The class spanned two levels - intro and advanced - and covered various music theory concepts, such as intervals, chords, and major and minor scales. The Blookets, Gimkits, and music listening sessions were some of the students’ favorite activities!

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Find us in: Sunnyvale, San Jose, Saratoga, Mountain View, Cupertino, Los Altos, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Boston, Houston, Austin Cedar Park, and Fort Worth.


© 2024 Notelove

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